A model expression is defined by specifying random number generation functions for a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) and transformations of the sampled parameters as a function of input_data. The unevaluated expressions are evaluated with eval_model() and used to generate the model inputs needed to create an economic model.

define_model(tparams_def, rng_def, params = NULL, n_states = NULL)

eval_model(x, input_data)



A tparams_def object or a list of tparams_def objects. A list might be considered if time intervals specified with the times argument in define_tparams() vary across parameters. Parameters for a transition probability matrix (tpmatrix), utilities (utility), and/or cost categories (costs) are returned as a named list (see define_tparams() for more details).


A rng_def object used to randomly draw samples of the parameters from suitable probability distributions.


Either (i) a list containing the values of parameters for random number generation or (ii) parameter samples that have already been randomly generated using eval_rng(). In case (ii), rng_def should be NULL.


The number of health states (inclusive of all health states including the the death state) in the model. If tpmatrix is an element returned by tparams_def, then it will be equal to the number of states in the transition probability matrix; otherwise it must be specified as an argument.


An object of class model_def created with define_model().


An object of class expanded_hesim_data expanded by patients and treatment strategies.


define_model() returns an object of class model_def, which is a list containing the arguments to the function. eval_model() returns a list containing ID variables identifying parameter samples, treatment strategies, patient cohorts, and time intervals; the values of parameters of the transition probability matrix, utilities, and/or cost categories; the number of health states; and the number of random number generation samples for the PSA.


eval_model() evaluates the expressions in an object of class model_def returned by define_model() and is, in turn, used within functions that instantiate economic models (e.g., create_CohortDtstm()). The direct output of eval_model() can also be useful for understanding and debugging model definitions, but it is not used directly for simulation.

Economic models are constructed as a function of input data and parameters:

  1. Input data: Objects of class expanded_hesim_data consisting of the treatment strategies and patient population.

  2. Parameters: The underlying parameter estimates from the literature are first stored in a list (params argument). Random number generation is then used to sample the parameters from suitable probability distributions for the PSA (rng_def argument). Finally, the sampled parameters are transformed as a function of the input data into values (e.g., elements of a transition probability matrix) used for the simulation (tparams_def argument). The params argument can be omitted if the underlying parameters values are defined inside a define_rng() block.


# Data
strategies <- data.table(strategy_id = 1:2,
                         strategy_name = c("Monotherapy", "Combination therapy"))
patients <- data.table(patient_id = 1)
hesim_dat <- hesim_data(strategies = strategies,
                       patients = patients)
data <- expand(hesim_dat)

# Model parameters
rng_def <- define_rng({
  alpha <- matrix(c(1251, 350, 116, 17,
                    0, 731, 512, 15,
                    0, 0, 1312, 437,
                    0, 0, 0, 469),
                  nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
  rownames(alpha) <- colnames(alpha) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")
  lrr_mean <- log(.509)
  lrr_se <- (log(.710) - log(.365))/(2 * qnorm(.975))
    p_mono = dirichlet_rng(alpha),
    rr_comb = lognormal_rng(lrr_mean, lrr_se),
    u = 1,
    c_zido = 2278,
    c_lam = 2086.50,
    c_med = gamma_rng(mean = c(A = 2756, B = 3052, C = 9007),
                      sd = c(A = 2756, B = 3052, C = 9007))
}, n = 2)

tparams_def <- define_tparams({
  rr = ifelse(strategy_name == "Monotherapy", 1, rr_comb)
    tpmatrix = tpmatrix(
      C, p_mono$A_B * rr, p_mono$A_C * rr, p_mono$A_D * rr,
      0, C, p_mono$B_C * rr, p_mono$B_D * rr,
      0, 0, C, p_mono$C_D * rr,
      0, 0, 0, 1),
    utility = u,
    costs = list(
      drug = ifelse(strategy_name == "Monotherapy",
                    c_zido, c_zido + c_lam),
      medical = c_med

# Simulation
## Define the economic model
model_def <- define_model(
  tparams_def = tparams_def,
  rng_def = rng_def)

### Evaluate the model expression to generate model inputs
### This can be useful for understanding the output of a model expression
eval_model(model_def, data)
#> $id
#> $id[[1]]
#>    sample strategy_id patient_id  time time_start
#>     <int>       <int>      <num> <num>      <num>
#> 1:      1           1          1     0          0
#> 2:      1           2          1     0          0
#> 3:      2           1          1     0          0
#> 4:      2           2          1     0          0
#> $tpmatrix
#>        s1_s1      s1_s2      s1_s3       s1_s4 s2_s1     s2_s2     s2_s3
#>        <num>      <num>      <num>       <num> <num>     <num>     <num>
#> 1: 0.7303831 0.18679555 0.07260427 0.010217072     0 0.6025887 0.3872602
#> 2: 0.8823737 0.08149364 0.03167520 0.004457421     0 0.8266206 0.1689507
#> 3: 0.7129687 0.20776387 0.06806632 0.011201099     0 0.6137990 0.3760511
#> 4: 0.8859624 0.08254467 0.02704278 0.004450201     0 0.8465622 0.1494053
#>          s2_s4 s3_s1 s3_s2     s3_s3     s3_s4 s4_s1 s4_s2 s4_s3 s4_s4
#>          <num> <num> <num>     <num>     <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0.010151107     0     0 0.7420537 0.2579463     0     0     0     1
#> 2: 0.004428642     0     0 0.8874653 0.1125347     0     0     0     1
#> 3: 0.010149909     0     0 0.7463815 0.2536185     0     0     0     1
#> 4: 0.004032563     0     0 0.8992373 0.1007627     0     0     0     1
#> $utility
#> [1] 1 1 1 1
#> attr(,"id_index")
#> [1] 1
#> $costs
#> $costs$drug
#> [1] 2278.0 4364.5 2278.0 4364.5
#> attr(,"id_index")
#> [1] 1
#> $costs$medical
#>            A        B         C
#>        <num>    <num>     <num>
#> 1: 1463.6975 1262.136 15708.566
#> 2: 1463.6975 1262.136 15708.566
#> 3:  293.2644 4551.563  7743.327
#> 4:  293.2644 4551.563  7743.327
#> $n_states
#> [1] 4
#> $n
#> [1] 2
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "eval_model"

## Create an economic model with a factory function
econmod <- create_CohortDtstm(model_def, data)