Update existing variables or create new ones that replace existing values with more informative labels as in factor(). All modifications are performed by reference (see data.table::set() for more information about assignment by reference).

set_labels(x, labels, new_names = NULL, as_factor = TRUE)



A data.table.


A list of named vectors containing the values and labels of variables. The elements of each vector are the values of a variable and the names are the labels. The names of the list are the names of the variables. See the output returned by get_labels() for an example.


A character vector of the same length as labels where each element denotes the name of a new variable to create for the corresponding element in labels. If NULL, then the variables in labels are modified and no new variables are created; otherwise, the existing variables are not modified and new variables are created instead.


If TRUE factor variables are created; otherwise character vectors are created.


x is modified by reference and returned invisibly.

See also


labs <- list("strategy_id" = c("s1" = 1, 
                               "s2" = 2),
            "grp_id" = c("g1" = 1, 
                         "g2" = 2))
d1 <- data.table(strategy_id = 1:2, grp_id = 1:2)
d2 <- copy(d1); d3 <- copy(d2)
set_labels(d2, labels = labs)
set_labels(d3, labels = labs, new_names = c("strategy_name", "grp_name"))
#>    strategy_id grp_id
#>          <int>  <int>
#> 1:           1      1
#> 2:           2      2
#>    strategy_id grp_id
#>         <fctr> <fctr>
#> 1:          s1     g1
#> 2:          s2     g2
#>    strategy_id grp_id strategy_name grp_name
#>          <int>  <int>        <fctr>   <fctr>
#> 1:           1      1            s1       g1
#> 2:           2      2            s2       g2