Simulate values (i.e., utility or costs) associated with health states in a state transition or partitioned survival model.

Public fields


Parameters for simulating state values. Currently supports objects of class tparams_mean or params_lm.


An object of class input_mats. Only used for params_lm objects.


The method used to simulate costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) as a function of state values. If wlos, then costs and QALYs are simulated by weighting state values by the length of stay in a health state. If starting, then state values represent a one-time value that occurs when a patient enters a health state. When starting is used in a cohort model, the state values only accrue at time 0; in contrast, in an individual-level model, state values accrue each time a patient enters a new state and are discounted based on time of entrance into that state.


If FALSE then time intervals are based on time since the start of the simulation. If TRUE, then time intervals reset each time a patient enters a new health state. This is relevant if, for example, costs vary over time within health states. Only used if method = wlos.


Method new()

Create a new StateVals object.


  input_data = NULL,
  method = c("wlos", "starting"),
  time_reset = FALSE



The params field.


The input_data field.


The method field.


The time_reset field.


A new StateVals object.

Method sim()

Simulate state values with either predicted means or random samples by treatment strategy, patient, health state, and time t.


StateVals$sim(t, type = c("predict", "random"))



A numeric vector of times.


"predict" for mean values or "random" for random samples.


A data.table of simulated state values with columns for sample, strategy_id, patient_id, state_id, time, and value.

Method check()

Input validation for class. Checks that fields are the correct type.



Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


StateVals$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


# Simple sick-sicker example where drug costs vary by treatment strategy
# and over time. Prior to time = 5, costs are $10,000 for treatment strategy 
# 1 and $5,000 for treatment strategy 2. After time = 5, costs are $2,000
# for both treatment strategies

## Setup the model
hesim_dat <- hesim_data(
  strategies = data.frame(strategy_id = c(1, 2)),
  patients = data.frame(patient_id = 1:3),
  states = data.frame(state_id = c(1, 2), # Non-death states
                      state_name = c("sick", "sicker")) 

## Drug costs vary by health state and time interval
drugcost_tbl <- stateval_tbl(
    strategy_id = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
    time_start = c(0, 5, 0, 5),
    est = c(10000, 2000, 5000, 2000)
  dist = "fixed"
#>    strategy_id time_id time_start time_stop   est
#>          <num>   <int>      <num>     <num> <num>
#> 1:           1       1          0         5 10000
#> 2:           1       2          5       Inf  2000
#> 3:           2       1          0         5  5000
#> 4:           2       2          5       Inf  2000

## Create drug cost model
drugcostmod <- create_StateVals(drugcost_tbl, n = 1, hesim_data = hesim_dat)
## Explore predictions from the drug cost model
drugcostmod$sim(t = c(2, 6), type = "predict")
#>     sample strategy_id patient_id state_id  time value
#>      <num>       <int>      <int>    <int> <num> <num>
#>  1:      1           1          1        1     2 10000
#>  2:      1           1          1        1     6  2000
#>  3:      1           1          1        2     2 10000
#>  4:      1           1          1        2     6  2000
#>  5:      1           1          2        1     2 10000
#>  6:      1           1          2        1     6  2000
#>  7:      1           1          2        2     2 10000
#>  8:      1           1          2        2     6  2000
#>  9:      1           1          3        1     2 10000
#> 10:      1           1          3        1     6  2000
#> 11:      1           1          3        2     2 10000
#> 12:      1           1          3        2     6  2000
#> 13:      1           2          1        1     2  5000
#> 14:      1           2          1        1     6  2000
#> 15:      1           2          1        2     2  5000
#> 16:      1           2          1        2     6  2000
#> 17:      1           2          2        1     2  5000
#> 18:      1           2          2        1     6  2000
#> 19:      1           2          2        2     2  5000
#> 20:      1           2          2        2     6  2000
#> 21:      1           2          3        1     2  5000
#> 22:      1           2          3        1     6  2000
#> 23:      1           2          3        2     2  5000
#> 24:      1           2          3        2     6  2000
#>     sample strategy_id patient_id state_id  time value