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Create a list containing the parameters of a fitted linear regression model.

params_lm(coefs, sigma = 1)



Samples of the coefficients under sampling uncertainty. Must be a matrix or any object coercible to a matrix such as data.frame or data.table.


A vector of samples of the standard error of the regression model. Default value is 1 for all samples. Only used if the model is used to randomly simulate values (rather than to predict means).


An object of class params_lm, which is a list containing coefs, sigma, and n_samples. n_samples is equal to the number of rows in coefs. The coefs element is always converted into a matrix.


Fitted linear models are used to predict values, y, as a function of covariates, x, y=xTβ+ϵ. Predicted means are given by xTˆβ where ˆβ is the vector of estimated regression coefficients. Random samples are obtained by sampling the error term from a normal distribution, ϵN(0,ˆσ2).

See also

This parameter object is useful for modeling health state values when values can vary across patients and/or health states as a function of covariates. In many cases it will, however, be simpler, and more flexible to use a stateval_tbl. For an example use case see the documentation for create_StateVals.lm().


n <- 2
params <- params_lm(
  coefs = mvrnorm(n, mu = c(.5,.6),
                  Sigma = matrix(c(.05, .01, .01, .05), nrow = 2)),
  sigma <- rgamma(n, shape = .5, rate = 4)
#>    parameter   term      mean        sd       2.5%     97.5%
#>       <char> <char>     <num>     <num>      <num>     <num>
#> 1:      mean     x1 0.3969149 0.3114263 0.18771386 0.6061160
#> 2:      mean     x2 0.5852242 0.2348049 0.42749371 0.7429547
#> 3:        sd  sigma 0.4493351 0.5921983 0.05152505 0.8471452
#> A "params_lm" object
#> Summary of coefficients:
#>    parameter   term      mean        sd      2.5%     97.5%
#>       <char> <char>     <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>
#> 1:      mean     x1 0.3969149 0.3114263 0.1877139 0.6061160
#> 2:      mean     x2 0.5852242 0.2348049 0.4274937 0.7429547
#> Summary of sigma:
#>    parameter   term      mean        sd       2.5%     97.5%
#>       <char> <char>     <num>     <num>      <num>     <num>
#> 1:        sd  sigma 0.4493351 0.5921983 0.05152505 0.8471452